Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Great Googlie Mooglie

Originally uploaded by kelly.pratt42
The yarn is called just that.....great googlie mooglie. It is from knitterly things and it is Vesper sock yarn. I am not sure I love the 3 ply yarn it seems to not have enough twist in it? Anyway I am starting another pair of these tonight for the three year old. He saw them and said where are mine? I had already knitted him Halloween socks! These are very cute and a free Ravelry pattern. Holden came home from school today wearing them. It is in the high 40's here, great day for fingerless mitts!


Linda said...

I love those mitts! Wish I had a pair:)

Linda said...

What cute little mitts! You are a great knitter Kelly.

Pamela said...

these are terrific! I love the colors!!