Thursday, October 9, 2008

Falling For Ewe Swap Question #4

Here is our next question:

What do you plan on dressing up as for Halloween? If you are not dressing up, what will your kids be?

I do hand out the candy but do not dress up. My kids are going to be Indiana Jones, Wolverine, hippie chick, I am not sure what the other 2 boys will be? It is hard when there are five trick or treating. I usually stay home and pass out candy. My husband takes the kids around. My Sister usually joins us w/her two that are still of that age. My daughter has a feast planned including a punch bowl w/floating hands ice. Take a plastic glove and fill w/water, tie it off and put in freezer. Cut the glove off and there you have hand shaped ice for your punchbowl.

Last year was rainy and cold hopefully it will be better. In Michigan you can never tell. Today is 70 and sunny. It is supposed to be 75 by the weekend, but some of the nights have been in the 40's. Go figure. Well I am off to get lunch for the kids before afternoon young 5's. I told them we could get Wendy's! They are living large now! :-)

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