Thursday, September 10, 2009

Another Trip Another Project

Originally uploaded by kelly.pratt42
We decided to head back up north after our vacation time up there. I had six days off from the restaurant and Rob's Dad was there and said we were welcome to come up. This was my in the car on the way up project Garterlac Washcloth. I did rip this out as it appeared to not be right at all & it was! Of course the pattern said it would look wonky, but I still could not believe it. I quickly re-knit everything again and it was a fun, fast knit. I left this at the cabin for the kitchen. I will have to make another one or two of these for sure. I started some socks while I was there as well. I am on the foot of the second sock and it should be finished soon. I have of course been spinning in between knitting projects. It is so addictive.

Rainbow Socks

Originally uploaded by kelly.pratt42
This is my knitting project during vacation in the U.P. they are for Delaney. I am planning on giving them to her on her birthday. She picked out the Rainbow colored yarn when we were together in the yarn store. The yarn is Mini Mochi by Crystal Palace Yarns. It was fun to work with...anticipating the next color change. It did however turn my fingers green when I was knitting with that color. I finally had a green thumb! :-) Rob's 95 year old grandma loved watching the progress and the modified Monkey pattern appear.