Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Great Googlie Mooglie

Originally uploaded by kelly.pratt42
The yarn is called just that.....great googlie mooglie. It is from knitterly things and it is Vesper sock yarn. I am not sure I love the 3 ply yarn it seems to not have enough twist in it? Anyway I am starting another pair of these tonight for the three year old. He saw them and said where are mine? I had already knitted him Halloween socks! These are very cute and a free Ravelry pattern. Holden came home from school today wearing them. It is in the high 40's here, great day for fingerless mitts!

My Swap Knitting

Originally uploaded by kelly.pratt42
My swap partner in the Color Swap on Ravelry likes purple. I do not... I have tried to find some purple love it is not there. So I searched and ordered on line some Malabrigo kettle dyed worsted weight in velvet grapes. The yarn was a bit more maroonish than I had anticipated, but I am assuming a purple lover--loves shades of purple as well. The pattern is Dashing and I have knit it before twice, it is easy and a good beginner cable pattern. I think if someone had not knitted cables this would be a great pattern for the cable intro.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hat Attack 2

I am dead woman waiting for a WIP from Hat Attack 2. It is very frustrating, I want to play the game but cannot w/o a hat to knit. The first kill I had was in September then it took 19 days to get a hat to work on. Now I made another kill and the WIP is nowhere to be had. Apparently the person who is supposed to mail it to me has had a number of things happen in her personal life. Which is understandable but just email someone and say yes I am playing or I drop out. The game can continue without you, instead we email and wait. I just don't want to pay another $20 in yarn to continue. It was supposed to be $2 fee and you make & get a hat. The participants are not supposed to buy more yarn to continue. It looks like that is what is happening.

Well I am off to work on my Dashing fingerless mitts for a swap on Ravelry. I am on mitt #2 so hopefully they will be done tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Falling For Ewe Swap Question #5

Here is the next question:

Do you like football? Who is your favorite team?

We do like football in this home. We have had the misfortune of being Detroit Lions Fans for many years. But what do ya do.....My husband always has the Michigan State Spartan football game on as well. I have 5 boys in this house you can pretty much count on sports being on the t.v. on any given day.

We are huge hockey fans, Go Red Wings!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Lake Superior Sunset

Originally uploaded by kelly.pratt42
I had to share this with everyone, I think it is gorgeous. There are so many beautiful sunsets this is just one we captured! Our little slice of heaven.

My New Socks

Originally uploaded by kelly.pratt42
Here are my new socks I knitted last week. They are from my club Blue Moon Fiber Arts Rockin' Sock Club. The colorway is Tide Pool. I love them, I just knitted a plain vanilla sock to show off the skein's spectacular colors!

Cloudy Day In Michigan's Upper Peninsula

Originally uploaded by kelly.pratt42
I was looking thru some pics tonight to change my Ravelry Avatar, and came across this picture from Lake Superior last summer. I love it and we truly are blessed. We all love it up there and enjoy our two weeks at the cottage every summer.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Falling For Ewe Swap Question #4

Here is our next question:

What do you plan on dressing up as for Halloween? If you are not dressing up, what will your kids be?

I do hand out the candy but do not dress up. My kids are going to be Indiana Jones, Wolverine, hippie chick, I am not sure what the other 2 boys will be? It is hard when there are five trick or treating. I usually stay home and pass out candy. My husband takes the kids around. My Sister usually joins us w/her two that are still of that age. My daughter has a feast planned including a punch bowl w/floating hands ice. Take a plastic glove and fill w/water, tie it off and put in freezer. Cut the glove off and there you have hand shaped ice for your punchbowl.

Last year was rainy and cold hopefully it will be better. In Michigan you can never tell. Today is 70 and sunny. It is supposed to be 75 by the weekend, but some of the nights have been in the 40's. Go figure. Well I am off to get lunch for the kids before afternoon young 5's. I told them we could get Wendy's! They are living large now! :-)

Friday, October 3, 2008

It is COLD!

This week has been down right chilly. I finally turned on the furnace yesterday. It was in the high 30's last night, I scraped frost off the windshield this morning. The 5 year old had the lovely apple orchard field trip today. He was not happy that he had his winter coat and mittens on. I told him other kids would be dressed the same way, he was certain he would be the only one! Much to my delight I walked in and his friend from down the road had winter coat, mittens, and a hat!

I am knitting socks from my September Socks That Rock sock club kit. I was using the pattern that it came with and then I ripppped it out. I personally could not see the pattern, according to others who stuck with it....when it is on the foot is when the pattern pops. Well it was not exactly fun every 4th round cabling the entire round on an 8 row repeat. So now they are gorgeous Plain Vanilla Socks. I have to knit something for my Color Swap on Ravelry. This is a swap where everything is related to whatever color your swap person likes. I get to pick the color. She likes purple which is fine w/me because I do not enjoy purple. I have purple in my stash and would love to knit her something out of purple~! It said in the swap requirements something homemade. I don't know what else to do and meatloaf probably doesn't travel that well--so knitting it is!

Well I have to pick up my 5 year old in 40 minutes so I am going to knit in the peace and quiet.