Thursday, August 14, 2008

My Time Here Is Over

Today is my last day in the lovely cottage in Brimley. It is a sad day. My family is staying for three more days w/o me. I am heading back to Grandville to go to Def Leppard/Billy Idol and working the weekend. I do not mind the drive back it is kinda fun to listen/blare the radio with the windows down. I knitted my squares for the block exchange on Ravelry and mailed them off. I have since started a sweater for Delaney. I am on my second sleeve after completing the front and back. So I just have to sew the sleeves on and pick up stitches around the neck and knit six inches of ribbing for the neck. I was a fast/easy knit. I belong to the club of I don't like the finishing work on a sweater. Anyway I am off to knit and get dressed! It is only 2 p.m. :-) The joys of vacation!!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Vacation here I am!

I jumped in my car after work yesterday and drove 299.3 miles north to the Upper Pennisula. It was a beautiful evening for a drive and I drove super fast and made it before dark. I also stopped to gas up and get an iced carmel marvel at the Biggby in Gaylord, Mi. So I stayed up way late due to having that drink too late. I woke today at 10:15 a.m. and so far I have knitted, played word twist, drank 3 cups of coffee, picked blueberries and made lunch for the kids. This is vacation. It is sooo nice. It is only 72 here and at home it is storming, humid, and almost 90! I am going out to watch the kids swim and pick more blueberries so we can make a blueberry crisp. I of course brought major knitting with me. I have two more blocks to knit for my exchange on Ravelry. I am never doing that again. The blocks were boring and they seemed like work. I should have done two at a time, maybe it would have gone faster. I brought yarn for two sweaters, one for myself--the gathered pullover from Interweave Knits and one for Delaney from Creative Knitting. I brought my yarn pirate yarn to knit the companion Monkey sock. That is all. I figured for two weeks that should be plenty. Oh I also brought a skein of Manos to work on my Four Seasons Throw. There are not any yarn stores that I am aware of up here. I did see there was a store called Gloria's Happy Hooker in Sault Ste Marie. I have never gone searching for it though. The name scares me....Anyway off to work on my squares so I can mail them soon!