Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Craigslist Kitty

Originally uploaded by kelly.pratt42
This is Rufus he joined our family on February 12th. He has been adjusting to the chaos and the two big dogs. He came from a house with dogs so that wasn't a problem for him. The kids were a bit much at first as they followed him around and sometimes chased him. That novelty has worn off some. He came with his name so we kept it. He is what I would call a talker, he meows nonstop. Rob stated he wishes he did not have a voice box. The cat seems to enjoy me, he comes out and follows me around all day. He comes down at night and messes with my yarn & goes upstairs to bed when I do. It is fun to watch a cat that is five play. I forgot how playful a younger cat is. While we miss our cat Jazz, Rufus is a nice replacement for our family.

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